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Play65 $15,000 backgammon tournament  Empty Play65 $15,000 backgammon tournament

Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:36 pm
Play65 $15,000 backgammon tournament  236x60_en1

Play65 Monthly Glorious 15K tournament with a $15,000 guaranteed prize pool!

The date is set! The heat is on! Can you handle it?
When : March 6th, 2011 at 21:00 GMT

* 7 point matches
* 11 points final
* 16 winners will share prizes!
* Entry fee: $185+ $15

How to Qualify?

* Buy an entry fee for the sum of $200
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* Qualify in daily Satellites (twice a day, at 21:00GMT & 19:00GMT) and 24/7 Sit'n'Go
* Qualify in dedicated VIP Free-Rolls (for Gold & Silver members only) every Saturday at 18:00 GMT

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