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Slotland casino St. Patrick's Day Bonuses Empty Slotland casino St. Patrick's Day Bonuses

Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:16 am
Slotland casino St. Patrick's Day Bonuses Slotland1ggeneral120x60

Slotland casino St. Patrick's Day Bonuses !

Thursday, March 17, 2011
Get up to 30% deposit bonuses.

Each deposit made on St. Patrick's Day will automatically and immediately earn a 20% deposit bonus! PLUS in addition to the 20% bonuses that happen ALL day, two special, unknown hours will boost the bonus to a cool 30%. That's a great day full of amazing bonuses!

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: This offer is valid on Thursday, March 17, 2011 (12:01 AM till midnight 11:59 PM) Eastern Standard Time. All St. Patrick's Day bonuses (and any deposits made to earn such bonuses) must be wagered at least once prior to requesting a cash withdrawal.

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