No Deposit Bonus Casinos Bonuses 2025. Free Spins.
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888casino 365 free spins a year Empty 888casino 365 free spins a year

Tue Mar 08, 2011 3:37 pm
888casino 365 free spins a year EN_nonUK_888Casino_365_FS_Dol_234x60

Spin for free all year round with 888casino New players get free spins for a year in 888casino and every spin can win big cash prizes.

New players who register and make a deposit on 888Casino benefit in 2011 of seven free games every week for a sensational year on slot machines, in addition, of course, our great signup bonus.

Players from the UK get the spins on registration and can win £1,000,000 with every spin.

Players from Denmark and Germany simply need to deposit €10, and they can win 1,000,000 kr (Denmark) or €100,000 (Germany) with EVERY spin, for a whole year!

Broadcast on both the Web and offline in January 2011, the promotion will last about six weeks in the following countries: United Kingdom, Denmark, Greece, Canada, Ireland, Romania, Spain and the Netherlands.

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